This little girl about five years old whose name we do not know approaches the camera, gazing innocently into the lens. Her hands grip the handlebars of a wooden scooter. She turns the scooter round and moves off in another direction. Shortly after this scene, the film ends abruptly. On 27 February 1943 Jewish armaments workers throughout Germany were suddenly placed under arrest in what was known as the 'factory operation'. Within the scope of this operation, the 'Hellerberg camp for Jews' was declared a 'police detention camp'. By early March those employees of the Jewish community still living outside the camp but listed for deportation to Auschwitz were also concentrated here. The camp also served as a receiving centre for Jews from Erfurt, Leipzig, Plauen and Chemnitz. In the night of 2-3 March 1943 the Hellerberg camp was essentially closed down. Together with other Jews, the 293 camp inmates from Dresden were deported to Auschwitz via the Dresden-Neustadt freight station. Of the 1,500 people who arrived, 680 persons, including about 50 from Dresden, were admitted to the camp. Those remaining, about 820 people, were murdered immediately after the selection in the gas chambers of bunkers I and II on the grounds of the Birkenau camp.
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