The four men shown here in the courtyard of the 'municipal decontamination facility' at Fabrikstrasse 6 in Dresden were primarily responsible for this operation: from left to right the Gestapo men SS-Scharführer Martin Petri, SS-Untersturmführer Henry Schmidt and Senior Criminal Investigation Secretary Rudolf Müller. Schmidt, as head of the 'Jew Section' of the Dresden Gestapo, was present during the entire deportation. After 1945 he was able to escape detection and lived undisturbed under his real name in Thuringia until the 1980s before he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Müller was Schmidt's immediate superior. Second from the right among the Gestapo men is Dr. Johannes Hasdenteufel from Zeiss-Ikon AG. On 10 November 1942 representatives of police and party offices and Zeiss-Ikon AG had decided to establish the 'Hellerberg camp for Jews' to house the remaining Jews working in the armaments industry. Their subsequent deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau had been decided from the outset.