All Jewish men, women and children who were later transported to the Hellerberg camp had to undergo an examination and 'decontamination'. An orderly in a white lab coat carries outer garments to the disinfection facility. Three Jewish women follow behind him with two small children. They are Eva Weiß (left) and Ingeborg Teufel with her young sister Rita and young brother Hans-Joachim, born in Dresden in 1939 and 1940, respectively. The two women were deported to Auschwitz on 3 March 1943. Like her mother, Eva Weiß died within a short period of time as a result of the disastrous living conditions in the camp. Ingeborg Teufel and her brother and sister were in all probability murdered immediately after their arrival in Auschwitz-Birkenau. The identity of the woman in the middle is not known.